Welcome to JTS Animal Bedding
Your First Choice For Premium Animal Bedding

Why JTS?
JTS Animal Bedding is known for high-quality premium products.
Animal bedding is the name of our game; it is our only product; therefore, we have refined our process thoroughly.
With over 30 years of experience, many of our employees are experts, when you call us, we pick up the phone with a wealth of knowledge, ready to answer any questions you have. Real people, genuine customer service, and excellent quality. We stand behind our premium products and offer our 100% guarantee that our customers will always receive the best animal bedding available.
We deliver, and communication is our top priority when it comes to customer service. If for any reason a delay occurs, we will keep you informed every step of the way. From the moment your order is placed to its arrival at your barns.
Your satisfaction is our priority. Many of our long-term customers have been with us for decades. We are grateful, we understand you have choices, and you continue to choose us.

The JTS Difference
Why choose JTS?
Consistently the Best Product
If we shopped around and bought from whatever mill had a surplus that week, our customers would never know what to expect. So we buy from the same mills, week in and week out, ensuring a dependable, consistent product you can always rely on Our goal is to ship it fresh, usually the same day it’s packed. We inspect and stand behind every load -- your guarantee of the very highest quality product.Delivered on Time
Bales are shipped from our facility in 28’ or 53’ trailers. Bales are hand stacked or palletized for your convenience. Thanks to our good relationships with trucking companies, we schedule deliveries when customers want them. If something occurs that could cause a delay, we call our customer immediately. On-time delivery is important to us, and we’ll do all we can to make sure your shipments are timely.Full Measure Bales
Our people work to assure that every bale contains a full measure of product. Every bale is 100% pure wood shavings to the exact measure; it's what you count on from JTS Animal Bedding. We take a great deal of pride in assuring that no bale ever contains less than promised. Your satisfaction is our priority.An Excellent Value
We think our animal bedding products are the best out there and our pricing is fair. Our long-term customer relationships bear that out.
Quality Animal Bedding
Our Products

We've Got Answers
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a friend or relative with breathing or respiratory problems like asthma, you may know the many other problems this can create. Our horses are no different. Since horses will browse for food on the ground, eating hay that falls onto their bedding is natural. Inhaling dust that may be laying among the shavings or created from the horse grinding the bedding to dust can be a common problem. The shavings we supply to large veterinary hospitals are selected specifically to minimize any new problems the veterinarian might introduce to the animal while in his hospital. Your local animal hospital sees a horse that already has some problems and they do not want to cause breathing trouble on top of other medical issues.
Many mills and shops use wood products that may not be safe for your animal to be close to. Walnut, maple and cherry are a few woods that can be harmful to horses.
The numbers meaningful to you tells how many cubic feet of shavings will be seen when dumped out of the bag. The words can vary but most often the bag will say "UNCOMPRESSED, OPEN,or EXPANDED" as the number of cubic feet of usable shavings in the bag or bale. So, a "3.25 cubic foot (CF) compressed bale with 12 cubic foot expanded" bale of shavings tells me we have 12 cubic feet of shavings I can use to bed my stall.
Bales are shipped from our facility in 28’ or 53’ trailers. Bales are hand stacked or palletized for your convenience. Thanks to our good relationships with trucking companies, we schedule deliveries when customers want them. If something occurs that could cause a delay, we call our customer immediately. On-time delivery is important to us, and we’ll do all we can to make sure your shipments are timely.
If you have the use of a forklift or large tractor with forks, palletized loads can save you labor in the unloading process. When you do not have the equipment to handle pallets we will not send your load on pallets. Renting a forklift just for the unload of your shavings may cost more than having your barn staff do the unloading and stacking.
Your order with JTS can be delivered in as few as two to three days depending on your location. When we can save you money by shipping with a carrier that will take several days longer, we will - but only after you approve any alternate shipping method.
If we shopped around and bought from whatever mill had a surplus that week, our customers would never know what to expect. So we buy from the same mills, week in and week out. That assures a dependable, consistent product you can always rely on. Many mills and shops use wood products that may not be safe for your animal to be close to. Walnut, maple and cherry are a few woods that can be harmful to horses.
Let's compare air dry to Kiln Dried shavings and High temperature Heat driers (up to 800 degrees) Kiln Drying * - Wet green lumber is put into a kiln - dried to about 7% moisture content, then planed, these dried shavings from mills will break down fast can be very dusty. High Temperature Heat driers * - Take green shaving of 45-50% moisture content is dried down to 12% or less. The Burner runs off waste from drier and this waste produces dryer temperatures of 600 to 800 degrees. Shavings can easily "over dry" and become as brittle as the Kiln Dried shavings. JTS Custom Air dry process * - Takes months, this is a long process but better end result - Shavings not dusty, don't break down as fast, and yet still very absorbent - We were all setup to install drier but thought it better to make the best product we can. Kiln and heat dried shavings are brittle and begin to break down into dust once your horse walks on them. Many horses that pace in their stalls can grind a stall full of heat/kiln dried bedding to powder in a day or two. At JTS the pine logs your shavings is made from is starred and monitored for a proper level of dryness before it is made into shavings. A hand full of kiln or heat dried shavings that you squeeze very tightly can will be turned to a mass of dust when you open your hand. Remember, your horse is constantly eating on the stall floor where this dust is laying. When you do this same test with JTS air dried shavings, after scrunching a handful or even grinding the JTS shavings on the floor with your shoe, you will see they still are shavings and not a dusty pile on your floor. To see how our shavings can stand up to this test, call for a sample bag and try this yourself.
We Provide Only Quality Products